Blue Rider Stables

Blue Rider Stables

15 Farm Lane, South Egremont, MA 01230


Adaptive/therapeutic horseback riding in the Berkshires

OUR MISSION at Blue Rider Stables is to offer a holistic educational environment in which people and animals can safely interact and, through their mutual therapeutic experiences, broaden the scope of their lives.

Blue Rider Stables, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Third Saturday Pony Ride & Open House
Saturday, February 15th from 2:00 – 4:00

On the third Saturday of every month at Blue Rider Stables, we welcome visitors for pony rides and to provide information on the programs we offer. Visit our EVENTS page for more information on this and other events!

Annual Appeal:

Thank you!

Thanks to all of your support, we achieved our goal of matching $20,000 – which made for a fantastic start to this New Year!

It’s not too late if you haven’t managed to donate yet – we have a sponsor who will match all of the donations that continue to come in until January 31. Our hearts are full! The herd is so grateful, and looks forward to your continued support through the winter and beyond.

To read our full Annual Appeal letter, please click here.

OUR PROGRAMS include individual & group lessons, therapeutic horseback riding, basic safe riding, riding without fear, vaulting, horse care, stable management, summer programs, and more.

OUR HORSES are healthy, sensitive teachers that come to us for a meaningful second chance in their lives.

Blue Rider Stables, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.