Blue Rider Stables

Blue Rider Stables

15 Farm Lane, South Egremont, MA 01230

Annual Appeal Donation 2023


As we look towards the end of 2023, the Board, Staff, volunteers, and equines
want to thank you for a tremendous year.

We invite you to make a donation today in support of our work. A gift,
no matter how big or small, is essential to expanding our current
operations and keeping our equines and riders safe and fulfilled.
Blue Rider has such a beautiful mission and place in this world, and each
board member has again pledged and committed to helping make this
year’s annual appeal profound and impactful for Blue Rider’s future.
We hope this inspires and empowers many others to do the same to
help this wonderful organization.

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Give What You Can

10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000