Blue Rider Stables

Blue Rider Stables

15 Farm Lane, South Egremont, MA 01230

Valentine’s Day Raffle


#1  $500 GC to Zabians Jewelers
#2 $150 GC for Lennox Jewelers
#3 $300 Berkshire South Childrens Birthday Party
#4 $120 GC to Back to Heart Reiki Session
#5 $50 GC to Berkshire Co op and Berkshire Mountain Distillers Gift Basket
Winners will be drawn February 10th!
Choose which prize you want and how many tickets you’d like to purchase, below –

purchase ticket.

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#1 Zabians Jewelers GC, #2 Lennox Jewelers GC, #3 Berkshire South Children's B.D. Party, #4 Back to Heart Reiki Session, #5 GC Berkshire Co op plus Mountain Distillers Gift Basket.